Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh, No! Another Grey Hare.

So here's the deal. Jessica said I should have a blog of my own since I enjoy reading everyone else's page. She said it would be nice to have a place to check out the older ideas of life. Hence my address. I enjoy reading your blogs because I can look at them and remember, and appreciate having been there, done that! I have also learned a lot reading blogs. Like, multiple sets of dishes are the norm, and expecting flowers for no reason is to be expected. I have also learned a lot about my daughters. I have found out that they are very strong emotionally. That they can and will handle situations with more maturity than I could. Read into this page whatever you like and maybe you will find something useful like how to get bicycle grease out of dress pants or other old wives tales that work.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I love your bright and cheery blog. I look forward to lots of reminders of how I am supposed to do things